- by Thomas "TJ" Gillespie
What is ISO on a camera?
ISO represents the speed at which the cameras digital sensor can capture light. The lower the number, the slower the “absorption” rate, the higher the number the faster the “absorption” rate.
The lower the number, the higher the quality* of the photo. The higher the number, the more noise (digital artifacting or grain) and hence lesser quality. Traditionally ISO is incremented by a doubling in the rate of sensitivity to light starting at 100, then 200, 400, 800 and 1,600. Today’s cameras can range from 50 to 51,200 or more!
How do I use ISO or why would change ISO?
The largest deciding factor on when to change ISO is light, or more specifically, the amount of light. Generally, with more light, typically the lower the ISO, with less light, typically the higher the ISO.
Stopping fast moving objects such as children playing, live sports, excited pets, etc… might require ISO 800 even in full sun. Portraits, architecture, still life, landscapes, etc… can normally be photographed at ISO 100. *Quality is very subjective and can be measured by many aspects. There are aspects that are controlled through, or limited by, equipment such as: definition, color depth saturation, contrast, clarity, exposure, auto focus, grain/noise, etc… or aspects directly controlled by the artist: composition, exposure, blur, manual focus, etc… You will have to decide for yourself what attributes contribute to a photo of high quality.
(A) Aperture
What does the A stand for on my camera / camera dial?
What is aperture in photography?
What is f-stop in photography?
What does aperture do?
What is aperture priority?
Why would I photograph or take photos in aperture priority mode?
(S) Shutter Speed
What does the S stand for on my camera / camera dial?
What is shutter speed in photography?
What does shutter speed do?
What is shutter priority?
Why would I photograph or take photos in shutter (speed) priority mode?
(M) Manual Mode
What does the M stand for on my camera / camera dial?
Why would I photograph or take photos in manual mode?
(P) Program/Auto
Purchasing a spot in my group photography class at my online store will automatically get you reserved on the date you selected during your purchase. You will receive subsequent emails from me regarding your specific class.
You may also purchase private, one-on-one lessons online. Please call me at 954.675.8085 or via an email .
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All students can retake scheduled group sessions for free, unlimited, for 1-year after first instruction. Only limitation is that class sizes never exceed 10 and classes are first come, first serve.